Flag Service
Troop 243 Flag Subscriptions
The Scouts of Troop 243 are proud to offer a flag service to neighborhoods in Azle, TX. Our flag service allows you to show your patriotism year round. Our Scouts will place an American flag at your property the week prior to the holiday and pick it up afterwards. We only use American flags made in the USA. The cost of our flag service is $60 per year.

Our flag subscription service helps pay for the equipment and expenses of the Troop. It also funds a scholarship account so that every boy can participate.
Our Troop provides flags on the following National Holidays:
- President’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Flag Day
- Independence day
- Labor Day (Flags are kept up through September 11th)
- Veterans Day
Each holiday or holiday weekend a scout will come and place an American Flag in your yard toward the front curb. At the completion of the holiday or weekend, the scout will return to retrieve and store the flag until next time. We are currently serving the city of Azle and areas served by Azle ISD.
For more information, contact Deanna Shew at 817-253-6869 or e-mail at treasurer@troop243azle.org
The next holiday being served in 2021 will be September 6th, Labor Day (with Flags staying up through September 11th). August 20th is the cut off to sign up to receive a flag for the Labor Day.
To sign up with a credit card, click the link below:

Thank you!!
- This Fundraiser has been authorized by the Longhorn Council, Boy Scouts of America.